Oct 31, 2013 F.lux was a very good app to begin with, and this release only makes it better. If you're not using it yet, but do use your computer at night, you really should try it out today.
Latest Version:
f.lux 40.1 LATEST
Mac OS X 10.10 or later
Author / Product:
Michael Herf / f.lux for Mac
Old Versions:
MD5 Checksum:
f.lux for Mac 2020 full offline installer setup for Mac
Lux App For Windows

Lux Products App
It's even possible that you're staying up too late because of your computer. You could use f.lux for Mac because it makes you sleep better, or you could just use it just because it makes your computer look better
Ever notice how people texting at night have that eerie blue glow? Or wake up ready to write down the Next Great Idea, and get blinded by your computer screen?
During the day, computer screens look good—they're designed to look like the sun. But, at 9PM, 10PM, or 3AM, you probably shouldn't be looking at the sun.
f.lux makes your computer screen look like the room you're in, all the time. When the sun sets, it makes your computer look like your indoor lights. In the morning, it makes things look like sunlight again. Tell f lux what kind of lighting you have, and where you live. Then forget about it flux for macOS will do the rest, automatically.
Note: Requires 64-bit processor.
Also Available: Download f.lux for Windows
F Lux Pc
F.lux (pronounced 'flux') is a cross-platform computer program that adjusts a display's color temperature according to location and time of day, offering functional respite for the eyes. The program is designed to reduce eye strain during night-time use, helping to reduce disruption of sleep patterns. Designed to help late-night computer users save their eyes, F.lux for Mac provides a softer and gentler backlight for the screen by helping the display adapt to the time of the day. Mar 15, 2016 f.lux removes the bright blue colors from your phone to help you wind down at night and returns your screen to normal the next day. This preview version is not a final release. It requires a rooted phone, and otherwise it will not do much. We appreciate your help with bug reports and feature questions. Most rooted Lollipop and Marshmallow devices (5.x and 6.x) will work. Some rooted Kitkat (4. Nov 21, 2019 In addition, the actual app name is confused with several other apps named Flux, such as the popular web development app. I recommend that the creator of 'f.lux' change the name to 'F-lux' (or 'Kelvin' or 'NighShift' or 'Nocturnal' or something else) to avoid the app being overwritten by MacUpdate Desktop and to follow a better naming convention. Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for f.lux. F.lux is easy to install, both on Windows and Linux, tracks the Sun position depending on your location on Earth and so behaves very naturally, during day and night, reducing blue light when the sun is going down and setting normal brightness in the morning, thus preventing you from suffering from insomnia due to excess of blue light at night and preventing eye strain at any time.